Thursday, March 10, 2011

San Miguel de Allende Writer's Conference February 18-20, 2011

Bookends desperately needed!
Back to Mexico

I was reading the spanish translation of "The House on Mango Street" when an email arrived announcing that Sandra Cisneros was to be the keynote speaker at this year's writing conference in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico.  Checking my Continental Airlines miles I found we had more than enough for a round trip ticket from Palm Springs to Leon/Guanajuato.  Flight booked; hotel room reserved; bookends needed.

View from my room at Hotel Real de Minas 

New friends who write at night

New friends who write at day

Sharing a shot with new best friend who drinks night and day

Colonial Home Tour

Plaza Portrait
Bookends found!
It had been more than a year since I spent a month in San Miguel studying spanish.  This time instead of a rooftop apartment I joined the conference attendees and stayed at the hotel.  I took part in all of the conference activities as well as pre and post "activities."
Dancing with the Dolls

San Miguel door and impressive word choice
El Charco Botanical Garden Tour 
Fireworks at our  "Viva Mexico" Fiesta
Meeting Sandra Cisneros


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