Saturday, March 26, 2011

Boaring NOT Boring

DB visits Mikey in Kaua'i

It wasn't easy to see Mike and Michelle leave Carnation.  But the time had come to seek greener pastures and they left for the greenest spot on earth, Kaua'i.  Mike grew up on Kaua'i and still has family and friends living there.  Michelle easily finds friends and makes them family so the transition was smoother than for most.  Despite working three jobs they take time to make others feel welcome and DB took advantage of their standing invitation to experience Kaua'i.  And experience it, he did!

Wild pigs, boar, javalena: they are all the same and wrecking havoc in Arizona, Texas, Florida, Kaua'i, and  numerous other areas.  The problem is that  a sow may give birth twice a year with litters as large as 24.  The other problem is THEY ARE DANGEROUS!  Mikey and his childhood friends are respected boar hunters.  DB was both excited and a little nervous to join them.

Laws are very specific regarding pig eradication; only certain hunters qualify, in designated areas,  and in some cases knives not guns must be used.  DB didn't pack for the hunt- no boots, camo, or weapons.  He didn't kill this little piggy but was with the group that did and was awarded the prize, the boar's jaw.  I was less excited about that than the smoked and frozen pork he brought back with him on the plane.  It is by far the best tasting piggy I've ever eaten.    

This little piggy went to the smoke house.
The prize

Those of you who prefer your meat presented in less graphic detail will be happy to switch gears to  the more advertised island vacation.  Next stop: rainbows and waterfalls.

The treasure is what you see

Michele is one heck of a good cook and works at a restaurant and a Poi factory.  On her off day she treated DB to a river excursion.  Unfortunately, at the end of the trip DB's belief that swimming in warm waters is DANGEROUS was reinforced by a certain sighting.  This 12 foot shark was in less than a foot of water just off the beach.  No more boogie boarding for this tasty boy!

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