Monday, March 28, 2011

Broads on Quads

The INVITATION:  While DB was in Kaua'i I was invited to join a group of women from the Land Yacht Harbour (trailer park) who explore the desert every Wednesday on all terrain vehicles.  Like DB, I didn't have the right equipment- no helmet, googles, boots, firearm, or jacket with a scary name on the back.  The broad who invited me has her own three seater quad and an extra pair of googles so I joined Dit, her sister Sandy, and her dog Erin for a wild Wednesday.  So far, I've been invited back twice.  We've all returned safely but let me tell you, what happens with the broads.....

Broads on Quads

I've learned that quading is a little like skiing:

  • You go into the mountains
  • You can get really, really cold
  • You might go off a cliff
  • You can get lost
  • Your equipment is important
  • Your equipment can break
  • You go really, really fast
I've also learned that quading isn't at all like skiing:

Desert Lavender- AHHHHHH
Ghost Flower
  • I've never seen a rattlesnake while skiing
  • There isn't a Sand Patrol if your equipment breaks
  • You bring your own lift
  • There aren't any snack bars in the desert
  • You use different quads
I love the patches of wildflowers we've found,  the gold mine,  the old settler's grave.
Beavertail Cactus
One aspect of riding out in the desert, over hill and dale, eating someone's dust,  making someone else eat your dust, laughing your head off- partly out of nervousness and partly out of tiredness, with a bunch of broads is that you're constantly reminded of being a kid playing with friends.  When was the last time you sang while going over a washboard road just to hear your voice warble?  Or spun out on a sand dune?  Or shared a brown bag lunch?  Or sat next to someone eating a peanut butter and butter sandwich and traded bites?   
Lunch Stop

Monkey Flowers

It's been too long for me. 

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