Friday, December 3, 2010

Thanksgiving in the desert 2010

Bebe's gorgeous table
Thanksgiving ala Brrr-key 2010 
Mike and his extra moist bird
While the Seattle area was struggling with snow, more snow, freezing rain and bumper car boogie on the freeways, the temperatures in Desert Center rose into the pleasant 70's during the days and the nights, though close to freezing, brought brilliant star shows. Walks around the big Lake Tamarask were routine after dinner and mandatory after THE BIG THANKSGIVING MEAL.

Per usual, there was the traditional menu: Mike's turkey, Dick's turkey, Chipotle Yams/sweet potatoes, garlic mashed potatoes, Grandma Stamberg's Cranberry Relish, Bebe's ABC Aspic,  rolls, gravy, stuffing, something green, and Cathy's flaming pie.
Dick and his brined bird

Leaving Casa Verde

Arriving Mike & Bebe's
Unlike a previous Thanksgiving, Julienne successfully delivered the infamous foyer dish, and has pictures to prove it.

Tad rocked the garlic mashed and sweet potatoes.
Could have been the best Thanksgiving meal yet!

 Football, food, friends, family-
What more could you want?

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