Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The Snow Buzzards have landed!

Sevi, our three year old yellow lab, Boxer, our twenty-two year old cat, DB, my favorite dancing bear and husband of 35 years, 4 months, and 6 days, and I, an ex-middle school wrangler/non-profit programmer, arrived at our four month snow buzzard residence exhausted.  26761 Fountain Cove, Desert Center, California, was named "Casa Verde" by its four new owners (my brother Dick and his wife Cathy, DB and me) when purchased in November of 1998.  That first year we almost burned it down tackling plumbing repairs, planted fruit trees which went from three fruit covered nursery specimens to dried sticks, and spiffed it up for potential renters. Now, twelve years later, we're asking ourselves just how we'll adjust to living where we've only visited for at most two and a half weeks before.  Differently, that's for sure.

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