Thursday, October 20, 2011

Snow Buzzards Have Flown!

Slow go over Snoqualmie Pass
Had to park Buzzard Mobile and UHAUL and walk through the Drive IN
Yes, leaves are dropping with the temperatures.  We've had to turn on the furnace and buy gift wrapped fireplace logs.  Sandals are off and socks on. Obvious signs that it's time to pack up and head out for Year Two South of the Moisture Barrier- THE BUZZARDS HAVE FLOWN!

DB's gift of the new edition of "Road Food" doesn't disappoint.  The Westside Drive In is run by Boise TV Foodie Chef Lou Aaron and the choices he presents make a one meal stop pretty dang frustrating.  What to choose?????
Hey, that's us!

Guac/chix burger with thinly sliced lettuce, onion, and cucumber.  Nice choc shake, too.
Good to be on the road and on the road food again.  Idaho is a great southern route.  The Snake River makes occasional appearances along 84 as we leave Oregon at Ontario.  We pass fields of hops, corn, potatoes, and onions.  Sometimes they pass us.   Idaho is ranked 11th in geographic size and 39th in population compared to the rest of the United States.  One and a half million populate the entire state. Not sure about the animal to person to dirt ratio but we noted two cement factories,  several feed lots, and few out of state auto licenses.  (Big score was a Virginia motorhome and Louisiana truck in the find the 50 state license game.)

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