Thursday, April 7, 2011

Snow Buzzards Find Snow- in Issaquah, WA!

Happy girl

Somewhere along the route through southern Oregon the warmth stopped its journey north.  Still wearing our desert clothes we were spotted in a bakery in Bandon, Oregon, as "tourists."  An older woman wearing long jeans and a wool sweater strode up to us and identified our tan but shaking knees.  "You've got to be tourists," she remarked.  Pointing to the group of warmly dressed gray hairs at a window table she continued, "We haven't worn summer clothes in over two years."  The happy group waved at us looking like a joint advertisement for AARP and REI.  The coastal town had a warm feel about it despite the cold temperatures.  After sharing one cinnamon roll and one cup of coffee we were encouraged to take a to-go cup of coffee.  "Free refills, you oughtta take advantage," the cashier chirped.  So we did and vowed to return.  After leaving Bandon we gave Sevi a beach break at the Oregon Dunes near Florence.  All three of us tromped sand back into the car.  

Our first rain
All was quiet as the Snow Buzzard mobile speed north
on I 5.  Each of us contemplated the impact of our decision to return to the Pacific Northwest in early April.

We weren't surprised by the dark clouds above the Seattle skyline nor the puddles in our driveway but postponing a dog hike in nearby Issaquah a couple of days later because of snow made us seriously question our re-entry timeline.  

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