Monday, January 24, 2011

Joshua Tree Rocks!

Sara and Julienne with Joshua

75 years ago President Franklin Roosevelt signed a proclamation creating Joshua Tree National Monument.  In 1994 it became one of the newest National Parks.  Throughout this year there will be activities celebrating its 75th anniversary.  When I visited the park in November with Julienne and Sara I bought a Senior Pass.  It cost $10 and is good for free admission in all National Parks and all Federal Recreation Lands for life.  ALSO, I can use it for all occupants of a single, private, non-commercial vehicle.  Think about the monetary opportunity for an unemployed senior who doesn't mind hanging around the entrance to a National Park. I like it. I may just celebrate the park's anniversary by providing discounts to 75 cars who would like a short time passenger. 

The park is named after Yucca brevifolia, a member of the Agave family.  Rumor has it that Mormon immigrants in the mid-1800's nicknamed this odd looking tree after the biblical Joshua with its welcoming arms outstretched in greeting for the weary westward travelers. Nothing about this particular yucca looks welcoming to me.  Kinda like the Teddy Bear Cholla, it's not something you want to hug. 
Juju not hugging Teddy Bear Chollas
Advancing Chollas. Yoiks!

This big!
Pencil Chollas
With Sharpies

Mastodon Peak to the right of big toes

  Next to the chollas the boulders seem quite safe.
Looking down from Mastodon Peak

From the top, Salton Sea in the distance
Air hair in the foreground

It takes no more than 25 minutes to get to the park entrance from our home in Desert Center.  It takes 30 minutes to get back if there's no line at Chiriaco Summit for a Foster Freeze Rootbeer.  Longer if
you try ordering in espanol.

Joshua Tree Rocks!

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